High schools: Percentage of students reporting homework help from paid tutors, 2011
Over 12% | 8-12% | 4-8% | Under 4%

2010 median family income

Over $120,000 $100-120,000 $80-100,000 $60-80,000 $40-60,000 Under $40,000

High schools and middle schools: "Do you feel safe on your street or in your neighbourhood?"
Percentage of middle school and high school students answering "All the time/Often," average of 2006/8 and 2011:
Under 75% | 75-80% | 80-85% | Over 85%

2006 violent crime rate by census tract (Incidents per 1,000 resident and pro-rated working population)

Over 10 7.5-10 5-7.5 2.5-5 0-2.5 0

High schools and middle schools: "In school, have you ever experienced the following: Physical bullying by an individual":
Percentage answering "rarely/never," average of 2006/8 and 2011:
Over 90% | 85-90% | 80-85% | Under 80%

2006 violent crime rate by census tract (Incdents per 1,000 resident and pro-rated working population)

Over 10 7.5-10 5-7.5 2.5-5 0-2.5 0

High schools and middle schools: "In school, have you ever experienced the following: Physical bullying by an group or gang":
Percentage answering "rarely/never," average of 2006/8 and 2011:
Over 90% | 85-90% | 80-85% | Under 80%

2006 violent crime rate by census tract (Incdents per 1,000 resident and pro-rated working population)

Over 10 7.5-10 5-7.5 2.5-5 0-2.5 0

High schools: Percentage of students who say they feel safe going to and from school, but not outside at school, 2011:
Over +10 | 5-10% | Plus or minus 5% | -5-10% | -10%

2010 median family income
Over $120,000 $100-120,000 $80-100,000 $60-80,000 $40-60,000 Under $40,000

High schools: "Do you feel safe outside at school?":
Percentage answering yes, 2011:
100-80% | 80-70% | 70-60% | Below 60%

2006 violent crime rate by census tract (Incidents per 1,000 resident and pro-rated working population)
Over 10 7.5-10 5-7.5 2.5-5 0-2.5 0

High schools: Students reporting their father in full-time work, 2011:
Under 70% | 70-75% | 75-80% | Over 80%

2010 median family income
Over $120,000 $100-120,000 $80-100,000 $60-80,000 $40-60,000 Under $40,000

High schools: Students reporting their mother in full-time work, 2011:
Under 40% | 40-50% | 50-60% | Over 60%

2010 median family income
Over $120,000 $100-120,000 $80-100,000 $60-80,000 $40-60,000 Under $40,000

High schools: Change in percentage reporting private tutoring, 2006-11
Over 75% increase | 25-75% increase | 0-25% increase |No change, or change from 0% | 0-25% decrease | 25-75% decrease | Over 75% decrease